
Display Those Holiday Cards: A Quick and Pretty Solution

I love getting holiday cards. I love the greetings, the pictures of friends and their families and seeing how quickly their children grow. But like many, I used to struggle with what to do with all those cards. While there were always good intentions, they ended up in a pile sitting on the dining room table. People put so much effort (and money!) into their holiday cards and deserve better treatment, don't they?

So I created a solution to display my holiday cards without nailing a huge display holder to my 1910 walls (my husband would freak if I put holes into our wall for a display that lasted four weeks).

Here's what you need:
  • 3+ yards of grosgrain ribbon (any color will do, but red was my festive choice)
  • 1+ thumbtack
  • a stapler
Here's how it looked... 

Here's how to do it:
  1. Find a suitable door jamb where cards will not be in the way. I chose one that was wide and wouldn't be brushed by shoulders upon going through the doorway.
  2. Take your ribbon and cut it the height of the door jamb, less a few inches from the floor.
  3. Use the thumbtack to secure the ribbon at the very top.
  4. Take your holiday cards and staple them to the ribbon. Start at the top and work your way down. I like to overlap them just a tad and arrange them so they're angled a bit here a bit there, to create more interest.
  5. You can create as many as you need based on how many cards you receive. Here's another wall I did...

I love this solution because it takes a matter of 5 minutes to create and when a new card comes in the mail, it instantly has a home! If you've spotted your card in my display - give me a shout out and let me know you like that your card didn't end up in the bottom of a pile!


  1. Nice! I did something similiar, but tying ribbon to the stair rails and attaching the cards to the ribbon. I may use your idea for the extra ones we have received.

  2. I do that too with my cards climbing up a santa laundry line that hangs on our stairs I love to see all those cute kiddies and when I take them down I put them in a ziplock baggie that goes in my christmas box for next year that way I can see how everyone children have changed from year to year.
    Mary Meddahi

  3. Love it! Great idea! That I'll definitely do this Christmas!


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